Erasmus+ Capacity Building in VET
Project Number: 101129262
Duration: December 2023 – November 2025
Project Summary
Promoting and expanding the role of work-based learning remains crucial for vocational education and training (VET) and EU skills policies after 2020. The Skills Agenda for Europe, the Council Recommendations on the Transition from Education to Employment – Strengthening the Youth Guarantee, and the Council Recommendation on Vocational Education and Training advocate for increasing the proportion of young people benefiting from work-based learning and improving its quality. The main understanding from existing studies is that quality and attractiveness are key to vocational education and training. One of the essential aspects is the partnership between VET providers and the world of work. The main features of VET in the top-performing countries include the involvement of employers:
- In the curriculum development phase, which relates to establishing qualification and exam standards, and setting quality requirements for VET programs.
- In the curriculum implementation phase, which involves delivering the curriculum, including providing training (WBL), cost-sharing, and conducting exams.
- Finally, there is a feedback phase regarding the curriculum, during which qualifications are updated.
The general aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation between VET providers and employers in the Western Balkan regions to improve the relevance and quality of vocational education and training. The specific objective of the project is to build the capacity of employer organizations and VET providers to establish and enhance collaboration and employer involvement in designing and delivering VET, taking into account the dual transition and the need for green and digital skills.
- Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Krško (Območna obrtno-podjetniška zbornica Krško) https://www.ooz-krsko.si/
- Craft College - institution for adult education (Obrtničko učilište – ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih)
- Sarajevo Regional Development Agency (Sarajevska regionalna razvojna agencija) https://serda.ba/bs
- Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Vanjskotrgovinska komora BiH) https://komorabih.ba/en/
- Center for Vocational Education (Centar za stručno obrazovanje)
- Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (Privredna komora Crne Gore) https://komora.me/